Don’t miss any of the great coming attractions this Spring at Younger Generation Church!
YG Presents 20 Liters. Finding water is a daily struggle for the families of the Samburu tribe in Kenya. Aaron Thomas and Andy Seiler traveled there to see their way of life first hand, and to give others a glimpse of their daily challenges. Join us March 30th, 10:15AM at YG Church where Aaron and Andy will share about their experience.
Saturday, March 30th, 6:30PM [Central], at Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church, 4409 Pleasantview Drive, Arlington, TX 76017. The Heritage Singers, known and loved worldwide, return to our church for a free concert sure to bless you with their powerful testimony and unique vocal sound. Be sure to invite your friends and family to join you for an exceptional time of inspiration and praise.
Jesus came in order that we may have life to the full. Sometimes though the challenges of life such as addiction, abuse, anxiety, depression, grief, and child raising prevent us from having that life. The Full Life Conference is designed to assist Christians in realizing how full life can be for followers of Christ. The community is welcome to this free event, Saturday, April 6th, beginning at 9:00AM. Free registration will help us plan well for lunch and what afternoon seminars you may have interest in. Click the image above to register today.
Full Life Conference is sponsoring haystacks [aka taco salad] for lunch on Saturday, April 6th. All are welcome to join, please RSVP to help us plan well. Free registration and lunch RSVP by clicking the above image.
Bob Ross Night: A YG Social Kelsey and Khaeris Geurrero, YG’s social coordinators, invite you to our “Bob Ross” night for a fun painting tutorial evening with a twist. Join us in the Revive Community Center downstairs on Saturday evening, April 6 at 7:30 PM. Admission cover of just $5, includes paint, brushes, and your canvas. Space is limited so RSVP on our Facebook Events page,
Burton Adventist Academy Drama in collaboration with Enspire Productions is excited to present their next theatrical production. Set in an allegorical world- The Journey: The Love of the Guardian explores the true meaning of love and sacrifice. Every evening, on April 8-12, at 7:00PM at the Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church, 4409 Pleasantview Drive, Arlington, TX 76017, a different chapter of the story will be presented. Please join in this dramatic series exploring the great controversy and how humanity responds when asked the question, “What is Love?"
#GiveForLife The Carter BloodCare bus will be in our parking lot, Saturday, April 13th, 10AM-2PM. For more information contact Pastor Tom Grove, 817-483-4837.
It’s Holy Week! Some call it Passion Week — the week between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. This week is packed with historical events rich in meaning and power. Each day meditate on what happened on that day in Jesus’ life and in the lives of His followers and those who betrayed Him. As you follow His journey to the Cross, may your soul be set ablaze for Him. May you see our Savior in a new light and fall more in love with Him and be more awed at the gift of His love and His salvation!
The Arlington Adventist Church presents Tenebrae: A Candlelight Communion Service as part of our Easter Weekend programming. Through song and spoken word, Tenebrae tells the story of salvation from Creation through the Crucifixion. Music will be performed by our sanctuary choir under the direction of Mr. Travis Simpson. Footwashing begins at 6:30PM, followed by the Tenebrae at 7PM. Child care will be provided for children age 9 and under.
Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church is delighted to present, "All For Love," a musically-based Easter program centered around God's plan of salvation through grace. Presentations will be Saturday April 20, 2019 @ 9:00am & 11:30am at 4409 Pleasantview Drive, Arlington, TX 76017. Free and open to the community, all are invited to attend. For more information call 817-483-4837.
FLOWING FROM JESUS: Foot Washing & Communion YG Style • April 20th
Join us Saturday, April 20th, 10:15AM [CDT] for a Easter weekend foot washing and communion service with Younger Generation Church. All are welcome to participate, remembering well the service and sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Parents are welcome to bring their children to participate, teaching them the meaning of humility and the symbols we acquaint with remembering Jesus’ crucifixion.
April 27th is YG’s Baptism Celebration! If you would like to join in the festivities and be baptized please let us know via our YG church connection form. Share your interest and we’ll connect with you to get ready for baptism! Click the image above for the connection form.
Sometimes it’s helpful to discover what in what ways we are wired to serve and be on mission for Jesus. Assessing your spiritual gifts is one way to take a look at how you might be shaped for service. We invite you to take this inventory to check out your spiritual gifts.
Go to
1. Click Take the Free Test Today
2. Create A New Account
3. Choose Individual
4. Fill Out Personal Information
5. Apply the Access Code A2FC3B
6. Take the Test
Your test results will be emailed to you as well as added to our church database of general results.
If you would rather take the inventory using pencil and paper, please take an inventory from the Welcome Center, fill it out and drop in in an Offering Drop Box.
When the Samaritan woman encounters Jesus at Jacob’s well, her life is completely transformed. She was drinking water from the wrong wells of life and Jesus offered her living water. She quickly casts her old water jar aside and runs to tell others of her experience with Jesus. He is our Living Water and when we drink from Him, we’re not only saved, but we’re transformed, and nothing will ever be the same. Join me in this five-day study as we see what it means to drink the living water. Click the above image to start this Bible study for personal devotions or group study.
The Bible is full of heroes—made so by the power of God in response to their faith—but it’s also full of ordinary people struggling to accept the profound truth of God’s love for them. The Samaritan woman is one such character. Study her story, see yourself in it, and discover God’s best for your life like she did. Click the above image to start the Bible study for personal devotions or group study.
Younger Generation Church LIFEgroups are a great way to connect with others and build community. Check out the array of new groups and various interests this month!
Young Professionals of DFW is a LIFEgroup designed to facilitate fellowship and networking among young professionals throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.
Their target demographic are those in the post-collegiate to 35 age bracket who are looking for opportunities to connect and "do life" together with fellow young working people. They plan to host a series of small events on a monthly basis (Saturday nights) such as dinners together, vespers services, movies, game nights, boba outings, nature hikes, bowling, WhirllyBall, and more!
For more information go to their Facebook page, or contact Barbara Quaye.