"To hold the door for the next generation is what life is all about." - Louie Giglio
Danielle Quaye, served as the director of media ministry for Younger Generation Church for several years before accepting a call to full-time missionary work with Sahmyook Language Institute in South Korea. She literally grew up in Younger Generation Church, being baptized there as well as spending half her life in various YG ministry capacities.
Beryl Otchere, DDS, is founder and creator of Bloom Beryl, a lifestyle blog, also founded College Circle LIFEgroup while ministering at Younger Generation Church. Her family including her husband, Dr. Prince Otchere, recently moved back to Texas, and continue to be active in local and digital ministry.
Barbara Quaye, PharmD, has served for over a decade as part of the Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church media team, leads a women’s LIFEgroup, and has ministered in several leadership capacities with Younger Generation Church. She created Arlington Young Professionals LIFEgroup which helped spark Adventist Young Professionals.
Greg Batla, MBA, is the Executive Director of Marketing for Christian Universities at Loma Linda University, and was the founding director of Younger Generation Church.
Jameson Francis, MEd, MAWL, serves as the Music Director for the Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church, having ministered at the church for over 15 years. He began his music ministry as part of Younger Generation Church.
Ryan Gil serves at the Media Director for the Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church, having ministered at the church for over 15 years. He began his work in media ministry at Younger Generation Church.
Kisha Norris, Ed.D., serves as the Education Vice President, for the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. She was one of the original worship leaders and lead team members for Younger Generation Church.
Brooks Preuhs, DDS, and Shastin Rains lead worship at Crosswalk Church—Chattanooga, where Shastin also ministers as Guest Experience Director. The Preuhs siblings were among the founding worship leaders of Younger Generation Church.
Janina Dorisa serves as Executive Director at Harvest House, an agency working to end child sex trafficking in Southwest Texas. She served in several leadership roles with Younger Generation Church before representing the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists as part of One Year in Mission for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Lisa Brandreth is a worship leader with Younger Generation Church as well as creator of Broken to Beautiful You, a blog giving focus to health and self-improvement.
Tim Kosaka, is the founder and global director of Adventist Young Professionals, as well as Director of Marketing and Public Relations for Southwestern Adventist University. Tim is the editor-in-chief of Younger Generation Church Magazine, has served as YG’s Public Relations Director, and continues on as a YG mentor.
James Dechavez, ARNP, is an Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church board member and worship leader. He has served in several leadership capacities with Younger Generation Church for over a decade.
Karla Dechavez is a worship leader at Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church and Southwest Regional Director of Physician Recruitment for AdventHealth. She has served over a decade in many leadership capacities with Younger Generation Church, most infamously organizing nearly all of YG’s Shindigs.
Pastor Allison Casillas serves as Associate Pastor for Family Life at Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church and was one of the young adult Sabbath School leaders from which Younger Generation Church originated.
Pastor Kayla Goodman serves as Pastoral Resident at Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church and last year served as Younger Generation Church’s Pastoral Intern.
Pastor Heidi Jackson serves as Associate Pastor for Revive Community Care at Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church and was one of the original worship leaders for Younger Generation Church.
Kenneth Rose, MBA, served as elder for Younger Generation Church and now as President/CEO of Texas Health Hospital Mansfield.
Alyssa Rose was baptized at Younger Generation Church and significantly involved with Revive Community Care, a ministry imagineered by YG leaders and young adults.
Jonny Castillo serves as Worship Pastor for Chapel Creek Fellowship. He served for over a decade as a worship leader and associate music director for Younger Generation Church.
Melody Mendez has led worship for Younger Generation Church since the age of 13. She’s completing her studies in music education at Dallas Baptist University.
Oddie Olazaran served as a Pastoral Intern at Younger Generation Church as well as in several young adult leadership roles for nearly a decade before pursuing graduate studies at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University.
Ian Reyes served as Campus Pastor for youth at Canyon Creek Project and currently is studying at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. He literally grew up in Younger Generation Church, was baptized there and served nearly half his life in various YG ministry capacities.
Reggie and Timm Sharper serve as Young Adult Ministries leaders for Grace Temple Seventh-day Adventist Church as well as having founded Movies In Perspective LIFEgroup at Younger Generation Church.
“Get the word out. Teach all these things. And don’t let anyone put you down because you’re young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity. Stay at your post reading Scripture, giving counsel, teaching. And that special gift of ministry you were given when the leaders of the church laid hands on you and prayed—keep that dusted off and in use.”
Adeline Long and Jocelyn Castillo are co-hosts for Arlington LIFE Today, a lifestyle and personality broadcast birthed during the COVID-19 pandemic. A talented vocalist, Adeline is in her senior year at Burton Adventist Academy where she also serves as Senior Class Pastor.
Jocelyn is a Freshmen at Tarrant County College pursuing pre-medicine. She is actively involved in Younger Generation Church, especially in community outreach opportunities. Jocelyn is also a regular contributor to UGYOUTH, hosting UG Podcasts.
Seth Wallack serves on the media team and as a guitarist for Younger Generation Church. He has ministered overseas and domestically as a missionary in short term missions and summer camp, and currently is the Burton Adventist Academy Senior Class President.
Mark Grove serves on the media team and as the associate producer for Arlington LIFE Today, a lifestyle and personality broadcast birthed during the COVID-19 pandemic. He also has his own YouTube show on the UGYOUTH channel, “Mark’s REMARKS,” where he talks about sports, life, and Jesus.
Gabrielle Harris is a youth evangelist and passionate advocate for those with disabilities. She serves as a greeter and part of the Younger Generation Church media team. Gabrielle has recently partnered with the Be Like Me organization where she leads in education and advocacy for disabilities, and continues working with Capable Minds, Hearts, and Hands, the Potter’s House outreach ministry for those with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
Melinda Cardenas, MEd coordinates Campus Instruction for the Dallas Independent School District. She has ministered at Younger Generation Church since 2014, most notably as lead facilitator for Community LIFEgroup, co-facilitator of Deep Conversations LIFEgroup, and part of the editorial board for YG’s inaugural magazine. A native of the Washington, D.C. Metroplex, she now lives with her husband, Robert, in Dallas.
Jennifer Robles serves as one of the mentors for Younger Generation Church as well as part of the editorial board for YG’s magazine. She’s currently a graduate student at Texas Woman’s University pursuing speech pathology. Since 2014, Jenn has ministered in various capacities with YG including facilitating a variety of LIFEgroups and leading Adventist Christian Fellowship at the University of Texas Arlington, a campus ministry first chartered by YG.
Kelsey Guerrero serves on the editorial board for Younger Generation Church’s magazine and as a worship leader. As a result of her following the prompting of the Holy Spirit, she led the Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church to be the first in their denomination to participate in World Vision’s Chosen initiative. Her obedience to that prompting took her on a 72-hour whirlwind trip to Africa and back.
Roman Kuchurivskyy serves on the Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church media team, mentoring next generations in the use of technology to spread the Gospel. For over a decade, he has led in various ministry capacities for Younger Generation Church including serving on the YG magazine editorial board.
Nick Livingston has literally grown up in Younger Generation Church. As a little boy, he began serving alongside his parents and brothers and couldn’t wait for the day when he could volunteer on his own. As soon as he was able, he joined the YG Media Team and is always willing to run a camera and lend a helping hand. In January of 2018, Nick was baptized at YG. Currently an 8th grader at Finley Junior High in Waxahachie, Nick swims competitively for SIGMA Swim of Dallas. His goal is to make the varsity swim team as a freshman at Waxahachie High School. He is also really excited to join UG next school year.