This Easter Weekend, here are some hints to enjoy and enhance your holiday at Arlington Adventist Church.
The other day we received a hand-addressed letter in the mail. Nowadays that is rare, so I was intrigued, especially since I didn’t quite know the person listed in the return address. Come to find out, it was one of our neighbors, who politely invited us to a Jehovah Witness event this Easter weekend. It was kind and not intrusive, and I thought it a rather nice gesture.
It just inspired me that if my neighbor was thoughtful enough to invite me to her church this Easter, would it not be a worthwhile idea for me, in fact each of us, to invite someone this weekend? Just a thought.
As you consider your Easter plans, I thought it might be helpful to provide some tips to make the most of your weekend:
Join us Friday evening, April 15 for an agape feast communion and candlelight program designed to reflect on the final moments Jesus spent on the cross. We hope this will be a meditative event that deepens your understanding of the sacrifice our Savior made in order to assure our ultimate salvation.
While families are welcome, please be advised that this program will conclude in darkness and silence, and therefore may not hold the attention of very young children. At this juncture we are not able to offer on-site child care.
To help us plan appropriately, please fill out our brief form indicating your potential attendance. We look forward to sharing this new and meaningful experience with you. For more information, contact Mindy Colvin in the church office.
At Younger Generation Church we celebrate an open communion where Christ-followers of all ages are invited to participate in the symbols and ceremony that commemorate Jesus' sacrifice for our sins.
RISEN // SATURDAY // 9AM & 11:30AM
You are invited to "Risen," a celebration of our resurrected Lord, on Sabbath, April 16. Join us for music and the spoken word during Legacy and Mosaic services as we remember the sacrifice and victory of Jesus.
All worship experiences are open to the community. Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church, 4409 Pleasantview Drive, Arlington, TX 76017-1427.
This weekend there will be several opportunities to participate in Communion:
• FRI 12PM — Texas Health Mansfield
• FRI 7PM — Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church Fellowship Hall [Agape Feast]
• SAT 10:15AM — Younger Generation Church
Families often wonder whether children should participate in communion, and I certainly believe that each family needs to decide for themselves as this is a very meaningful ceremony.
I will say at Younger Generation Church we celebrate an open communion where Christ-followers of all ages are invited to participate in the symbols and ceremony that commemorate Jesus' sacrifice for our sins. We feel the meaning of Easter is important to impress upon our children and students.
For further insights, click the above icon for some thoughts from Minno Kids.
This Pleasantview Baptist Church invitational event begins at 11:00AM and is for all children from toddlers to 6th grade. Easter egg hunt, games, food, and prizes for all ages! At 12:30PM, they will head to Grace Prep for their Helicopter Egg Drop! Remember to bring your own basket or bag to collect your eggs in. Click the above icon to register.
Thursday was a busy day. The disciples were hastily gathering the food and supplies necessary for the seder meal, not to mention trying to secure a room for the dinner. All was in order when they gathered on Mount Zion that fateful evening. And then they got into an argument, right there at the table. About what? Who of them would be the greatest in the coming kingdom Jesus had promised! At this point the greatest among them became the servant of all of them.
Jesus arose from the table, girded Himself with a towel, and knelt before each of them to wash their feet. Whose feet needed washing the most that night? Whose feet in a matter of hours would be nailed fast to a Roman cross?
And His were the only feet that left that night unwashed.
At the end of the meal, they sang a hymn and retreated beneath the olive trees of Gethsemane’s garden to pray. Judas came in the shadows, followed by a mob with torches, and planted the kiss of betrayal on Jesus’ cheek. Jesus called him “friend” (Matthew 26:50).
To be attacked by the enemy is one thing, but to be betrayed by one of your closest “friends” is quite another.
Before we are quick to point a finger of accusation at Judas, or Peter, or any of the others who betrayed Jesus that night... we must ask ourselves,
Lord, is it I?
—Matthew 26:22
When you think about a good friend today or interact with a group of friends at lunch or dinner, let it remind you that you have a true Friend, the Lord Jesus, who always “sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). Faith is not about rituals or religion. It is about a relationship with Jesus.
No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you. —John 15:15
Lord, I am no better than Judas. I may not have betrayed You for thirty pieces of silver, but I am too often quick to turn from my loyalty to You. May Your goodness, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to You this day. In Jesus’ name, amen.
--O.S. Hawkins