In a world filled with noise, Jesus invites you to His table. A table of abundance. Peace. Protection.
You’re invited to join YG at table with Jesus, a devotional journey to deepen your relationship with Him.
Younger Generation Church wants to support your faith habits and spiritual growth as you strive to #BeJesus #BeYG. To this end, we invite you to join us in the coming days journeying through the devotional, "At the Table with Jesus."
Maybe your journey with Christ has been sporadic, filled with momentary bursts and desert times. It's said it takes about 66 days to form a new habit, so this might be just the time to return to the table Jesus has set to meet up with you.
Our desire and mission is for you to experience a deeper devotion with Christ Jesus, through intimacy, community, and grace. May you take a seat at the table and enjoy some time with Jesus.
Click the above icon for an audiobook excerpt of Day 1: Jesus is GOD
We're rounding the final bend of our Younger Generation Church series, "Table Talks." At the point where Jesus is leading His Church in the ways of the Father.
And it's become clear, that being with Jesus not only transforms our hearts, but it also cultivates the actions in our lives.
To turn our talks into transformation, we invite you to see this as "Mission Month" and jump into the Jesus actions with us.
From author, Louie Giglio:
Welcome back to our journey through At The Table with Jesus. I can’t believe this is already our last week together. We will finish out our 66-days of fortifying our faith and drawing closer to Christ by ending on a high note. This week we are celebrating that Jesus is the King of Kings.
There are rulers all over the earth; kings, presidents, parliaments, dictators and decision-makers but Jesus is the King over all kings. He raises up empires and He brings them down. He establishes the kings of the earth and lowers them whenever He pleases. From the first chiefs to the current officials, He has reigned through every age. History truly is His story. Leaders may make decisions but it is only upon the approval of the King of kings. Each person's time comes to a halt, every story reaches an end, and all names fade away but King Jesus sits enthroned forever. And He sits at the table with us.
As we temporarily reside on this earth, let's be a people who keep our minds on what is to come; the home built for us, a place prepared for us in eternity, and a King who rules righteously over His Kingdom. So, I want to challenge us. In the midst of kingdoms, let's focus on the Kingdom. In the midst of kings may we focus our minds on the KING.
Watch the video above for a deeper look into Jesus, the King of kings.
What an incredible journey it has been with you. What an incredible invitation we’ve been given. I don’t know where you are in this process but keep going! And keep your eyes locked on Jesus. I pray God’s favor, grace, power and blessing on you as you continue in your relationship with Him.
From author, Louie Giglio:
Welcome to another week in our journey through At The Table with Jesus. I believe God has so much to teach us this week as we dig into the truth that Jesus is our Redeemer.
What does that mean?
It begins with the fact that sin doesn’t just make us bad people, sin makes us dead people. Scripture teaches us that sin separates us from God by causing us to be spiritually dead, and dead people can’t do anything to help themselves (Eph. 2:1-3).
So sin got us into a position that we cannot overcome or reverse on our own and we need outside help. We need a Redeemer.
If the bad news is that sin makes you dead, then the good news is that Jesus has the power to bring you to life (Eph. 2:4-10). And that’s what the story of Scripture is all about. It’s not about Jesus coming to make you and me "good" people, it is about Jesus coming in power to make us ALIVE people.
He paid the price.
He is enough.
He paid in full for the sins of humanity.
He covered with His innocent life all the wrongs of every life.
He’s not giving you a validation, He is the validation.
He is our Redeemer.
And you know what this says about you? It says that you have incredible worth to God. Jesus paid it all, because God loved you and wanted you to come into a relationship with Him. Praise God we are invited to the table with our Redeemer!
Watch the video above for a closer look at how knowing Jesus as our Redeemer changes everything about our relationship with God.
From author, Louie Giglio:
These next few days are set up to direct our attention to the truth that Jesus is our way to the Father.
In the beginning, God the Father was directly accessible. When sin entered into the picture, it separated people from a holy God. But God gave His people a hope that one day He would grant people the possibility of being in a relationship with Him again. From that point on, God, out of complete grace and a desire to be with His people, allowed a select few to access Him through a temporary dwelling place.
When Jesus arrived on the scene, He revealed that He was the long-awaited hope of the world and the ultimate mediator between people and their heavenly Father. By the blood of Jesus, people once again had access into the Holy of Holies, the presence of God, and relationship with Him.
Jesus is our way to the Father.
So there is no longer a yearly sacrifice.
It is no longer about us doing our very best to try to mitigate all of our failures.
It’s no longer about reliance on a flawed person.
It’s Jesus, Who finished the work, Who gave His life in our place, Who said not just with His words but with His own blood, “I am the way and the truth and life, no one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
Jesus is the Way to what we are all looking for–relationship with God our Father. We have access to our Father because Jesus is at the table and He is the Way. Will you join Him?
Take a look at the video above for a deeper look at how Jesus is our way to the Father.
From author, Louie Giglio:
Welcome to week 8 of our journey through At The Table with Jesus! This week we are coming to one of the most important sections in the book as we understand that Jesus leads His church.
Over the years, there has been a lot of conversation about the Church:
Is it good?
Is it bad?
Is it an organization?
Is it a body or a building?
Do I need it?
Should I get out of it or in it?
I’m praying that as we study this topic together the next few days, your eyes will be opened to see that, because Jesus leads the Church, the Church is important, prized, and still being used to bring glory to God.
It is worth noting that, since the Church is full of people, it is full of flaws. The Church has never been perfect. That is not an excuse, it is a reality. But we also want to see that the Church can be beautifully influential when it surrenders to Jesus and reflects Him in the world.
The invitation we are given is to put our hope in Jesus today. If we put our hope in any leader, teacher, group, or church family, we are going to be disappointed. But if we put our hope in Jesus and trust that He is building and leading the Church, we have the potential to rise up and be what He called us to be–His hands and feet in a broken world.
The Church has never been about walls, buildings, organizations or denominations. The church has always been about people.
People who were dead and raised to life through the power of the gospel. People who were scattered, now united, with a common leader, vision and mission. People from all walks of life, from all races around the globe, from every language, tribe and every tongue, having a new identity as the people of God. The Church has always been about people because Jesus has always been about people—for His glory.
What a joy it is to sit at the table with the One who is head of the Church.
Be sure to watch the video above for a closer look at what it means for us to know that Jesus Leads His Church.
From author, Louie Giglio:
It’s hard to believe that we are over halfway through our 66 day journey through At The Table with Jesus. I hope your eyes are being opened in a new and profound way as you deepen your understanding of Jesus and accept the invitation to sit at the table with Him.
This week I am excited to dig into the staggering reality that Jesus is our friend.
I want you to think for a moment about your closest friendship and the things you do together. You might do fun things like get coffee, take trips or go eat at fun restaurants. But I guarantee that, if it’s a close friend, you also enjoy the more ‘normal’ things of life with them, like riding in the car, talking on FaceTime, or sitting together in each other's company.
I want to let you in on something important: Jesus wants to be a friend like this.
Yes, have a quiet time.
Yes, carve out space to read out a devotional.
Yes, open God's word.
Yes, meet with Him
But these things take only a fraction of your time.
God never intended for us to spend 20-minutes in a quiet time and 23-hours-and-40-minutes doing life alone. He wants our every waking moment.
Our friends are in the seams of life with us, even the mundane, and that’s exactly the relationship Jesus offers each of us. Jesus wants to be our friend.
There doesn't always have to be a profound revelation from the word of God.
There doesn't always have to be some great theological concept getting broken down.
Our relationship with God can be as simple as inviting God into the everyday moments of life we experience.
Over these next few days I challenge you to invite Him into your every hour. He wants you to sit with Him at the table in order to get up with Him from the table, in order to go with Him through life and every waking moment.
Come sit at the table with your friend, Jesus.
Take a look at the video above for more on how Jesus, among many other incredible things, is our Friend. I encourage you to join me on the journey to know more about Jesus and fortify your faith.
From author, Louie Giglio:
I am thrilled about the journey we are experiencing through At The Table with Jesus. I pray God is speaking so much truth to your heart as you take time each day, acknowledging that the table Jesus has prepared is available in every moment and that Jesus, Who prepared the table for you, is with you in every moment.
Today, I couldn't be more excited to lean into the powerful truth that Jesus is Lord of all.
I love how Philippians 2:9-11 explains this: “Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name above all names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Jesus is showing us that He has power and authority over everything.
Over every name.
Over every ruler.
Over every kingdom.
Over every institution.
Over the very laws of the universe.
He has all power and all authority.
So when we come to the table, I pray our eyes will be opened to realize that we are sitting with the Lord of all.
Now, I want to let you in on what to bring and what not to bring to the table with the Lord of all.
Do bring your questions. Jesus invites them. You do not have to hide your questions from Him, so come open and honest, and bring the confusion about what you don't understand to God. Ask Him for insight. He’s not offended or disappointed by your questions.
Don't bring your negotiations to table with the Lord of all. Don’t come to God trying to work out some sort of deal like, ‘If you do this then I’ll do that.’ When you sit at this table, you sit humbly, in surrender, because you understand that Jesus is Lord of all - Lord of your life, your opinions, and your wishes.
I want to invite you to sit at the table with the Lord of all. I also want to challenge you to get up from the table, knowing that He is with you and He is for you. His authority is on your side, so that you can walk into a broken world as a light that shines in the darkness for His glory.
For a deeper look into the stunning truth that Jesus is the Lord of all, watch the video above.
From author, Louie Giglio:
It has been an incredible journey through At The Table with Jesus and I hope that you are experiencing the development of a new mindset as you are committing to sit at the table with Jesus.
As we jump into week 5, we will be looking at the idea that Jesus is our great I Am.
Here is a little context. The statement, "I AM," originally comes from the Old Testament, where God called Moses to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt. Moses found himself standing before a burning bush, in the presence of God, and he questioned whether or not the Pharaoh or the people of Israel would believe his story. God called Moses into the rescue plan by stating, “Tell them I Am that I Am has sent you” (Exodus 3:14).
Isn’t that amazing? When Moses asked God who He was and what to tell the people, God told Him to use a unique but powerful name for God: I AM.
What a thought.
So, when Jesus says “Before Abraham was, I Am,” He is making the case that He was and is as great as God. This would have been blasphemous in the ears of His listeners because no one was allowed to claim to be as great as God...except God Himself.
This is how we understand the scripture that says, “Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). Jesus always was, Jesus always is, and Jesus forever will be.
In whatever situation you are in, He is.
He is enough.
He is able.
He is with you.
He is sufficient.
He is power.
He is love.
He is provision.
He is wisdom.
He is everything you need.
He is our great I Am.
The God of the ages is present in your moment right now. So lock eyes with Him today, open your heart to what He wants for your life today. Believe in what He can do in and through you today. Because Jesus is our great I Am today.
Check out the video above for a stunning look at what it means to know that we are invited to sit at the table with our great I Am.
From author, Louie Giglio:
Welcome to week 4 of At The Table with Jesus where we are journeying together for 66 days through a mentality-shaping study. Each day, we are investigating an aspect of who Jesus is and what it means for us.
For the next few days, we are going to be unpacking this truth; that Jesus is our teacher. He’s not just a teacher in the way that someone taught one of your high school classes. No, Jesus is our spiritual teacher and leader for all of life. He is someone you can learn from at birth, through all your years, and to the very end of your days. Because Jesus has forever known everything there is to know about life and existence, He is beyond capable of teaching us all we need to know. I hope this truth blows your mind like it is blowing my mind today!
I encourage you, as we move through this week together, not to fall into the trap of coming to Jesus with your question only to get needed information but to come to Jesus for transformation. While we need Godly discernment to navigate life, it is crucial that we understand that our Teacher wants a relationship with us as much as He wants to instruct us. Revelation leads to information and information is wasted if it does not lead to transformation.
He says, “I am the way and the truth and the life,” so we are sitting today at the table, receiving truth from the One who is truth, that we might be changed by the truth (John 14:6). Take a look at the video above for more on how Jesus, among many other good things, is our Teacher.
From author Louie Giglio:
I am so glad we get to be on this journey together through At The Table with Jesus. I love that we are committing to something. We’re not just in and out, but for 66 days we are getting to walk with God and know Him more, specifically in the person of Jesus Christ.
I want to invite you to join me in understanding and celebrating the power that Jesus is our glorious Savior.
In these next few days together we are going to be able to open God’s word and discover the many ways that Jesus saves us every single day. He’s saved us today in a thousand ways that we will never know about. But He’s also saved us from the penalty from our own foolish choices and given us the gift of eternal life.
He’s the Savior of the world.
So as you sit at the table with Jesus, come with a heart of gratitude and expectation that Jesus is still at work. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to us today to fully bring us into God’s plan and purpose for our life.
Jesus. He is our glorious Savior. I want to encourage you to allow Him to be savior over whatever circumstances you might be facing today.
Check out the video above as we dig deeper into the beauty of Jesus being our glorious Savior.
From author, Pastor Louie Giglio:
I am so expectant for what God will do as we continue week 2 of our 66-day journey through At The Table with Jesus. This week we are looking at the staggering reality that when we come to the table we are sitting with Jesus Who is both fully God and fully man.
What exactly does that look like?
God took on flesh and bones like you and me and walked on this planet. This means He knows what every frustration, hardship, heartache, laughter and joy of life is like.
So when you sit at the table with Jesus, He knows exactly what you are going through and He gets it. He is acquainted with suffering and is acquainted with grief. We don’t have to put on a front that impresses Him with how great we are. We can come to the table as our true self and say:
I’m lost.
I’m stuck.
I’m tired.
I’m lonely.
I’m afraid.
I’m anxious.
I’m trapped.
I feel bound.
I’m so excited.
I feel so free.
I’m so happy.
And in the high and the low, Jesus welcomes us to the table to talk about real life.
That’s what I want to invite us into in these next few days together as we discover that Jesus is no less God than He’s always been but He’s always been fully man.
He can lead you today because He navigated this life and He did it perfectly.
Check out this week's video to learn more about the significance of Jesus being both fully God and fully man.
We begin week one with a focus on “Jesus is GOD.” Click above for an introduction by the author, Pastor Louie Giglio:
What does this mean for us when we come to the table with Jesus?
It reminds us to sit in a posture of awe at the fact that we are invited to sit down at the table with the God who created it ALL. The same God that made it all made you. He knows everything about you. He knows your strengths and weaknesses. He knows the deepest part of your heart and He still invites you to sit with Him.
So this week as we come to the table, let’s come with appreciation of the grace of God that allows us to know Him.
Deirdre Rivera-Martin, offered this introduction to our YG series, “Table Talks: At the Table with Jesus.”
Click the above icon to learn more about “At the Table with Jesus,” as well as how to order it online in hard copy, audio book, or Spanish versions. While supplies last, you can pick up a copy at Younger Generation Church.
As you enjoy your time with Jesus more and more, here are additional resources to deepen your devotion to Him.
A classic relationship with Jesus primer for Adventists, written by Ellen G. White. Click the above icon for the PDF booklet.
Ellen G. White (1827-1915) is considered the most widely translated American author, her works having been published in more than 160 languages. She wrote more than 100,000 pages on a wide variety of spiritual and practical topics. Guided by the Holy Spirit, she exalted Jesus and pointed to the Scriptures as the basis of one’s faith.
Come and see what they saw. The Chosen is the first-ever multi-season series about the life of Christ. Click the above icon to see the free show tens of millions of people won't stop talking about.
The Desire of Ages is a book about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ by the Seventh-day Adventist pioneer Ellen G. White.